The Meeko Clinic Network is a carefully curated network of healthcare facilities and professionals. It is designed to ensure that each Meeko member receives safe, effective, and high-quality care. This is achieved by connecting members exclusively to clinics and clinicians that have been vetted and are committed to meeting Meeko's Standards of Excellence. Through this network, Meeko upholds its commitment to the highest standards of healthcare.
What are Meeko's Standards of Excellence?
Meeko's Standards of Excellence are a set of standards and guidelines based on industry best practices. The standards and guidelines include:
Scope of practice and experience
Medical assessments and psychiatric evaluations
Informed consent and evidence based information
Safety monitoring, equipment, and adverse event training
Dosing and substance administration
Clinical documentation
Clinician credentialing and licensing
Timely member care
Are all the clinics in Meeko's directory part of the Meeko Clinical Network?
No, Meeko maintains a directory of clinics that offer legal psychedelic therapies but not all the clinics in the directory are part of the vetted clinic network. Meeko Clinic Networks have a Meeko Network designation and meet Meeko's Standard of Excellence. Clinics without the Meeko Network designation can claim their clinic and apply for inclusion.
Can clinics be removed from the clinic network?
Yes, Meeko clinics and clinicians must continuously demonstrate adherence to Meeko's Standard of Excellence.
Meeko monitors clinic staff licenses to ensure they are active and in good standing. A clinic or clinician could be removed from the network due to disciplinary actions on their license, license expiration, poor member experience, or sub-par clinical outcomes.