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Managing the clinic team

How to manage your clinic's team

Updated over 7 months ago


In Meeko's clinic app you can add team members to your clinic. As a clinic user you can choose which team members have access to the Meeko platform and which team members show up on your Meeko clinic page.

How team members appear on your clinic's Meeko page

When a team member is designated to be featured on the public clinic page, the following information will be prominently displayed, allowing potential clients and visitors to gain insight into the expertise and background of the clinic's professionals:

Name: The full name of the team member will be prominently listed, serving as the initial point of introduction.

Credentials: Any relevant credentials, such as academic degrees or licenses, will be shown, highlighting the team member's qualifications and expertise.

Title: The team member's official title within the clinic providing context about their role and responsibilities.

Picture: A headshot or portrait of the team member will be included, allowing visitors to put a face to the name and fostering a sense of familiarity and approachability.

Bio: A concise informative biographical summary will be provided, offering insights into the team member's background, areas of specialization, therapeutic approach, and any notable achievements or experiences relevant to their work at the clinic.

Here is an example clinic and how team members will display on the the clinic directory page:

Screenshot of team members section of the clinic directory page.

Giving access to Meeko's clinic app to team members

You can choose to give access to Meeko's app to other team members at the clinic. This will allow them to update clinic information or even just their own profiles.

How to give Meeko access to clinic team members

To give access a team member simply add the team member to your clinic and send an invite to them. They will get an email invitation that they accept to get access to the Meeko platform.

Screenshot of the Meeko clinic app highlighting how to invite a team member to the app

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